MKD Stavreski demands an apology by Shilegov

Stavreski demands an apology by Shilegov

The Ministry of Finance reacts to a press conference of the spokesman of the opposition SDSM and says that Petre Shilegov shamelessly distracts and misinforms the public for a second day in a row.

– Several times now, Shilegov, intentionally mentions that Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Zoran Stavreski signed a contract with the company-contractor of the sewage network in Prilep. We invite Mr. Shilegov to publicly show the document for which he claims that Stavreski signed it. If Shilegov doesn’t publicly apologize for spoken defamation within 48 hours, in accordance with Article 13, paragraph 3 of the Law on civil liability for defamation and insult, Deputy Prime Minister Stavreski would sue him for defamation – reacted representatives of the Ministry.