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Waste selection slightly increased last year, but 82.7% of waste still ends up “mixed” in landfills

The waste selection remains an unsolvable problem for the households and the companies in the households and the companies in North Macedonia. In 2021,...

North Macedonia climbs 33 places in the 2022 World Press Freedom Index

North Macedonia ranked 57th on the Reporters Without Borders' 2022 World Press Freedom Index, climbing 33 places compared to 2021. Our country, together with...

North Macedonia: Still no new law on the digital textbooks, pupils forced to use print copies only

There is not a bit of progress about the process of digitalization of the education in North Macedonia. The pupils will still study the...

The Western Balkans will need unity and cooperation across society to overcome press freedom challenges

In times of war and global polarization the Western Balkans region is divided along the lines of current polarizing forces. Disinformation campaigns, hate speech,... Five months after tragic bus accident in Bulgaria, no one in N.Macedonia was held responsible

More than 5 months have passed since the tragic bus accident in Bulgaria when 45 Macedonian nationals lost their lives. The Bulgarian prosecution finished...

Truthmeter: Russian disinformation propaganda in Macedonia before the 2018 Referendum

While EU and US experts gave instructions on “How the Balkan should defend itself against Russian propaganda?” In 2018 Macedonia was targeted not only...

MP blaming Ukraine for Bucha massacre, fled to Russia since the beginning of the war

The statement of the pro-Russian Ukrainian politician and former presidential candidate, Mr. Ilya Kiva that Bucha massacre was committed by Ukraine itself with the...

Debate: Pro-Russian narratives in North Macedonia’s media serve to cast doubt in country’s North Atlantic orientation

There are indications that part of the political party structures were created with Russian assistance as well, especially in the period when Gruevski's regime...

No shelter centers for abused women in North Macedonia’s Polog region – victims get refuge in other cities

“Violence against women” is understood as a violation of human rights and a form of discrimination against women and shall mean all acts of gender‐based...

Alternative medicine magazines as another tool for glorifying Russia through propaganda

In North Macedonia, several Russian alternative medicine magazines are sold: “Russian herbalist”, “Russian doctor” and “Russian medicine”. They send messages such as: “Russian advice...

Country leadership marks 30th anniversary of Macedonia’s monetary independence

The President Stevo Pendarovski, the Prime minister Dimitar Kovachevski, the Finance Minister Fatmir Besimi, the Governor of the National Bank Anita Angelovska - Bezhovska,...
Андреј Захаров

Andrey Zakharov from the BBC Russian service: For 8 years, the Propaganda has been preparing people to support the...

Andrey Zakharov is an investigative journalist from the Russian service of BBC. He moved from Russia in November last year, when he was being...

5 years since the Bloody Thursday rampage in North Macedonia: Instead of peaceful transfer of power – effort for...

Today marks the 5th anniversary since the "Bloody Thursday", or the rampage in the Parliament of Macedonia (Now: North Macedonia) that occurred on the...

Russia donates monuments throughout Skopje and determines what inscriptions they will carry

"Eternal glory to the heroic fighters from the anti-Hitler's coalition who defeated Nazism and freed the European nations!" This sentence has been inscribed on...

Truthmeter: The Serbs in North Macedonia do not justify the war in Ukraine, but some of them support Russia

Serbs as well as some members of the Serbian-Macedonian associations in Polog are against the invasion of any country and are in favor of...

The first month of the invasion of Ukraine: Who disinformed us and how

During the mentioned period, pro-Russian and pro-Ukrainian disinformation and incorrect narratives were noticed, with a significant difference that pro-Russians are far more centralized, organized,...

North Macedonia: Bureau of Public Procurement’s web site offline three days in a row, all procurement procedures stopped

All public procurement procedures in North Macedonia are blocked, since for the third day the Bureau of Public Procurement's web site ( is offline. On...

Government of North Macedonia lifts COVID-19 restrictions at borders

The government of North Macedonia at yesterday's session accepted the recommendations of the Infectious Diseases Commission and the proposal of the Main Coordination Headquarters,...

A misinforming headline on the recognition of Kosovo’s Independence and other false news

A misinforming headline on the recognition of Kosovo's Independence and other false news After the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the dramatizing of the situation...

The role of the Albanian parties in NMacedonia in the context of the fight against the Russian influence

Although N. Macedonia is historically, but also geographically oriented towards Euro-Atlantic values, the government led by VMRO-DPMNE and DUI led by the former Prime...