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Zero benefits for Albania from China’s Belt and Road Initiative

In 2017, Albania signed a cooperation agreement with China in the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). It was conceived as an...

Main disinformation narrative in February: The West started the war in Ukraine, Russia resorted to force to stop it

The main disinformation narrative in February in the Macedonian media space was proclaimed by the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, just three...

Wagner recruitment of volunteers in the region neither confirmed, nor denied

The paramilitary group Wagner, by means of a paid announcement on 5th January on Russia Today Balkan in Serbian language, called for all potential...

Military service is voluntary for women in Ukraine

The post disinforms that NATO is pushing Ukraine to fight to the last Ukrainian. This narrative undermines thousands of soldiers in Ukraine, including patriotic...

MP Abrashi disseminated an unverified document claiming Serbia is “mobilizing”

The Vetëvendosje (LVV) MP Artan Abrashi has disseminated an unverified document on his Facebook account, claiming that the Serbs are mobilizing. According to him,...

Dragan Pavlovic – Latas and Stefan Lazarov charged for promoting violence against women

The Public Prosecution office in Skopje submitted an indictment against Dragan Pavlovic – Latas and Stefan Lazarov for spreading racist and xenophobic material via...

Romanian anti-disinformation activist reveals: Misinformation campaigns often target refugees from Ukraine

While disinformation campaigns flood Central and Eastern Europe, civil society organizations are at the forefront of initiatives to face this challenge. spoke to...

The West did not mislead Russia and Ukraine to go to war at their own peril, but Ukraine is...

Ukraine and Russia are not “mislead by the West to go to war at their own peril”, as the post claims, but Ukraine as...

Turkey did not decide to leave NATO and the consulates were not closed because of the earthquake

We assess the post fact-checked as untrue. It is not true to claim that the earthquake was a geologically produced attack, that the diplomats...

Selective reporting regarding the investigation of the Independent International Commission on Ukraine

In the articles of some media about the report of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry for Ukraine, the cases of war crimes committed...

Russia has not declared the dollar an invalid payment currency

The claim that Russia declared the Dollar invalid payment currency is out of context. There is lack of Dollars in cash in Russia hence...

The future of mass surveillance in Serbia?

This article was written by Ana Toskić Cvetinović, executive director of the civil society organization Partners for Democratic Change  Serbia, a member of the...

The state of online free expression worldwide in 2022

 "From internet shutdowns, crackdowns on expression and closed-door partnerships to attempts to restrict anonymity and end to end encryption, in many places, digital rights...

Russian spies register identifies 42 individuals arrested for espionage in Europe

A register of Russian spies in Europe, shared on Twitter, identifies 42 individuals acting in their own countries and being paid by the Russian...

Мacedonian and Bulgarian university with a historic Russian connection will “produce” MAs in Sveti Nikole

The result of the public-private partnership between the State Bulgarian University from Veliko Tarnovo “Ss. Ss. Cyril and Methodius” (VTU) and the Macedonian private...

Slovenian left-wing “Levica” made child adoption by same-sex couples a legal right

The amendment to the Family Code went into full force in Slovenia on the 31st of January 2023, thereby decreeing that marriage is no...

(In)visible “Russian touch” in the last round of tensions between Sofia and Skopje

Although there are more variations of the topic related to where the Russian influence was greater in the latest escalations of the relations between...

Celebrating the ex-Yugoslav music scene, hall of fame style

This article by Ena Rizvić was originally published on Balkan Diskurs, a project of the Post-Conflict Research Center (PCRC). An edited version has been...

State-affiliated actors launch smear campaign against Hungarian investigative nonprofit Átlátszó

This story was published by the Hungarian investigative journalism non-profit, Atlatszo. An edited version was published as part of a partnership with Global Voices. Tamás...

Skopje City govt. ignores massive anti-corruption protest: Youth Cultural Center hampered with nontransparent  budget cuts and replacements, mobbing

Less than a month after Youth Cultural Centre Skopje - YCC (Mladinski kulturen centar Skopje) marked the half-century anniversary, this cult institution for the...