MKD Eight paroles and an imprisonment sentence for protesters of 5th of May

Eight paroles and an imprisonment sentence for protesters of 5th of May

Eight out of the nine protesters who were accused of violence during the protests in front of the Government on 5th of May, were sentenced to parole of three months in Basic Court Skopje 1 today.

The paroles will not be executed if convicted do not commit another crime within one year.

One of the defendants is convicted to an effective sentence of 10 months because, according to the court, another action for the same crime was conducted against him.

Court canceled the detention measure for all defendants, and one of them was assigned with measures of precautions, i.e. oblige him to report to an authorized officer of the court twice a month.

Nine protesters who were accused of participating in a mob which prevented an officer in performing official duties, pleaded guilty in court.

In court, they said that they plead guilty without coercion and threat and that they regret for their actions.

Trial of the first group arrested after protests from 5th of May was scheduled on 2nd of June in the Basic Court Skopje 1.