Extraordinary inspection in OHIS: The stockpiled hazardous waste has to be removed in a period of three years

Фото: ДИЖС

The State Environmental Inspectorate has conducted an extraordinary inspection at the OHIS chemical industry complex near Skopje, the capital of North Macedonia, where 6 facilities are still operating. One produces cannabis oil and the remaining are stockpiling both hazardous and non-hazardous waste.

“During the inspection, Eko-centar was repackaging poluting chemicals that were stored there for so long, preparing them for shipment and final incineration abroad. This company recently removed the monomer vinyl chloride stockpile which was later incinerated in France. The activities are accomplished following the Plan for emptying and safely repackaging of the dangerous chemicals. Additional monitoring will be conducted for monitoring the vapors during the repackaging. During the monitoring of Ezo-Teh’s operations, which collects and transports hazardous waste, it was determined that it keeps on its premises hazardous industrial waste produced by companies in the technological zones. A waste that was stockpiled for several months can be kept on a location for up to three years i.e. Ezo-Teh will have to find a way to treat it either in the country or abroad. The company Galvanotehna which is starting its work, expect it will release wastewater which must be processed. The authorized inspector will monitor the start of the operations,” informs the State Environmental Inspectorate of North Macedonia.