Tags Chemicals

Tag: chemicals

Six out of eight causes of soil degradation come from agricultural practices, organic production as solution

Six out of the eight causes of soil degradation result from the agricultural practices. The overuse of chemicals and the inappropriate tilling and other soil cultivation destroy one of the most important natural resources, that together with the clean air and drinking water, must be preserved. The healthy soil is irreplaceable and essential to sustain life and produce safe...

Extraordinary inspection in OHIS: The stockpiled hazardous waste has to be removed in a period of three years

The State Environmental Inspectorate has conducted an extraordinary inspection at the OHIS chemical industry complex near Skopje, the capital of North Macedonia, where 6 facilities are still operating. One produces cannabis oil and the remaining are stockpiling both hazardous and non-hazardous waste. "During the inspection, Eko-centar was repackaging poluting chemicals that were stored there for so long, preparing them for...

The vinyl chloride deposited in OHIS still awaits the repackaging into secure barrels

Around 14 tons of vinyl chloride deposited in the former OHIS chemical industrial complex in Skopje, North Macedonia, still await the experts from the French company Kurium to arrive, repackage it in new safe barrels and transport it for proper disposal. The Ekocentar 97 company, which was selected to clean the 11 types of chemicals which are still deposited...

Due to the coronavirus, seven countries have to issue new permits for export of OHIS chemicals

Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, but also North Macedonia, will have to issue new permits for international transportation of hazardous materials to get the chemical deposits in the former OHIS industrial complex exported to Switzerland for incineration. The previous permit for the project "Removal, dislocation, disposal or neutralization of chemical mater” from OHIS Skopje plant expired due to...