
Ulrik Haagerup: This is why constructive journalists are people’s “best friend”

Ulrik Haagerup, the founder and CEO of the Constructive Institute, experienced a profound realization during his tenure as Editor in Chief at a prominent Danish media outlet: he recognized that the majority of the news he was delivering to his audience was overwhelmingly negative...

Public debate on the Draft Strategy on Transparency: If corruption is a disease, transparency is the treatment

Photo: Government of the RNM The second public debate on the Draft Strategy on Transparency 2023-2026, organized by the Policy and Good Governance Cabinet of the Government in cooperation with the Metamorphosis Foundation, took place in Veles. The Vice President of the Government in charge of...

Petra Balažič: Youth should be able to recognize disinformation with malign intent

Meta.mk spoke with Petra Balažič from the Slovenian Center for European Perspective, which works in the Western Balkans region in dealing with disinformation. Answering our questions, she pointed out that spreading of disinformation is a matter of security and stability of the countries of...

Young journalists from Metamorphosis Foundation on a study visit in the USA

Photo: Metamorphosis Foundation Two interns from the media outlets working under the auspices of Metamorphosis Foundation - Meta.mk and Portalb.mk - together with two representatives of the Foundation itself, were on a week-long study visit in Washington, USA. The study visit was organized by the...

Protest in Tetovo: 14 fatalities, zero prison time for 2021 fire in modular COVID-19 hospital

While September 8 is national holiday in Republic of North Macedonia, traditionally used for celebration of Independence Day, it's also an anniversary 2021 Tetovo hospital fire. At the second anniversary of the tragic event, the relatives of the victims staged a protest against impunity...

Aggeler’s scarf is a fashion accessory by designer McQueen and has nothing to do with Satanism

Photo: Screenshot from the video of the Macedonian Ministry of Internal Affairs The scarf that Ambassador Aggeler is wearing is just a fashion accessory by the renowned world designer, Alexander McQueen, and is not sending out any hidden messages. This color-varied scarf has been seen...

Petrovska never stated that she declares war on Russia

Had Petrovska ever said such a thing, all of the media would have reported it, both the national and the international media. But such a thing cannot be found in the online space, neither in writing nor in audio form. Indeed, had Petrovska stated...

Visinska: We Tend to Believe in Conspiracy Theories and Russia Uses that to Spread Disinformation

Irena Visinska is a geopolitical analyst whose area of expertise is studies on hybrid threats to contemporary society and geopolitical trends in the Western Balkan region. Her attention is especially directed towards studying the disinformation flows and foreign propaganda, including the ramifications in the...

NATO Summit, Cluster Bombs, Prigozhin and Poland – Focus on Disinfo-narratives in July

In July, in the Macedonian language media one could have read a few types of Russian narratives related to the state of affairs in Ukraine. Most dominant were those connected to the NATO Summit in Vilnius, the US-approved cluster ammunition for Ukraine, the destiny...

Imported ideological conflicts are intensified by the flood of disinformation

“Culture wars” or ideological conflicts between the left and the right-wing became a dominant topic in US political discourse. Both sides are trying to present their truth and viewpoint as the only right option, while “they, the others” are the strike of evil wanting...

Geopolitical analysis: Foreign malign disinformation destabilizes the Western Balkans

Disinformation and fake news are not just a media problem, but a security problem. They destabilize the countries of Western Balkans, including North Macedonia, undermining the trust in democratic institutions and hindering the realization of their most important strategic objectives. This is the general conclusion...

Macedonia with the Largest Delegation at the Giffoni Film Festival in Italy

In the period 20 - 29 July, in Giffoni Valle Piana in Italy, the 53-rd edition of the Giffoni Film Festival will take place, which is the largest film festival for children and youth in the world. Among the 6500 participants from around thirty...

“Ruski doktor” magazine in Macedonian is no longer published, but the Serbian edition sells in North Macedonia at the lowest price within the region

Print copies of “Ruski doktor” magazine; Photo: Meta.mk The “Ruski doktor” (Russian physician) magazine is no longer published in Macedonian language. However, this print magazine, as one of the methods of spreading Russian soft power in the Balkans, is present in North Macedonia through the...

Counterspin: Levica spins that Macedonia is involved in repression of the Serbs in Kosovo

Photo: Ministry of Defense of North Macedonia Responding to the government’s decision to send 31 members of ARM to Kosovo for a period of six months, Levica is spinning that KFOR is a suppressive force that frequently uses excessive force against the Serbs and that...

Disinformation helps weaponize homophobia in the Balkans

Written by Global Voices Central&Eastern Europe. Meta.mk republishes the original article, under the cooperation agreement with “Global Voices”:   Populist political forces across Europe have been utilizing homophobia and the stigmatization of LGBTQ+ people as a weapon of political influence for the last two decades. Many of these campaigns...

Media Narratives about EU as a Factor of Increased Russian Influence in North Macedonia

When assessing the influence that throws North Macedonia off the tracks from the proclaimed process of democratic development directed towards adopting the values of the European Union (EU) and EU accession, one cannot ignore the manner in which Macedonian media present the contribution of...

Scribbled Traffic Signs on Miladinovci-Stip Motorway with Russian propaganda symbols

A dozen traffic signs and equipment on the Miladinovci-Stip motoway have been scribbled all over with pro-Russian propaganda symbols. The symbol “Z”, that glorifies Russian military invasion of Ukraine and found written on Russian military vehicles used to invade Ukraine along with “Brotherly Russia”...

“Russia Days” in Skopje and Sofia, Bulgarian MFA Responds to Spreading Disinformation by the Russian Ambassador

The Russian embassies in Skopje and Sofia recently celebrated the National Holiday of the Russian Federation “Russia Day” by organizing receptions in both capitals thereby sending scandalous messages regarding the Russian military aggression in Ukraine. Today, the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs was forced to...

Intelligence Agency: We Will be a Target for Disinformation related to Constitutional Amendments, Church Issue and Elections 2024

The fight against disinformation should not be seen as a threat to the freedom of expression or censorship, because it is not a matter of naively publishing news. On the contrary, disinformation campaigns are organized by the State and directed towards manipulating public opinion...

Fight against Disinformation Demands Partnership between Institutions and Civil Society

Electronic disinformation is spreading and no-one is immune to that. They present a threat to society. The fight against disinformation demands partnership between the institutions and the civil society. This was stressed on today’s conference “Building Social Resilience to the Harmful Effects of Disinformation...