MKD Andonov: Janeva has raised the question of national security

Andonov: Janeva has raised the question of national security

Katica Janeva has taken precedence which could jeopardize national security, alleged additional Deputy Interior Minister, Oliver Andonov, the Director of the Public Security Bureau, Mitko Chavkov, and Viktor Atnasovski, Director of the Administration of Security and Counterintelligence (UBK), after Special Public Prosecutor Katica Janeva and prosecutor Lence Ristoska gave a statement just after midnight. at 1:00am.

Andonov accused Janeva of being unprofessional and unprepared, and taking precedence, therefor calling national security into question after she requested all data from 2008 to December 31, 2015.

“Our national security was threatened because Janeva requested all data from the period 2008 to December 31, 2015. Take into consideration that special investigative measures are still ongoing, and we could not ensure a suitable separation of the data for the prosecution to look at. The same data Janeva is insisting on obtaining could jeopardize or severely threaten the life of operatives who are still out in the field”, says Andonov.

The Director of Public Security Bureau (PSB), Mitko Chavkov said that he was present at UBK during the time the SPO were, for three reasons. He wanted to see how the committee was prepared in which members were elected from the Bureau, secondly, he wanted to see why police officers from the “Alfa” unit had been deployed in the circle of the Interior Ministry and lastly, to protect ongoing operations.

“They really want to create the perception that the someone in UBK are obstructing them, but they realized themselves that the system can not extract the data or to export the data. This system is not actually owned by the Ministry of Interior, or UBK, ownership of the system is an official operator and only that person is authorized to access that system. They were convinced and sent a letter to the operator, so the operator can then approve their representative in Skopje”, explained Chavkov.