MKD Zhernovski: Now citizens see what was happening in Macedonia

Zhernovski: Now citizens see what was happening in Macedonia

Answering to press questions at today’s press conference, Andrej Zhernovski said that councilor to who Sasho Mijalkov and Mile Janakieski offered bribes, despite great pressure, didn’t cave.

Mayor congratulated councilor of the party New Alternative and said that they discussed and he knew how much pressure was inflicted on him. Zhernovski said there were pressures on other councilors as well, but he would not speak on their behalf.

In response to a reporter’s question, the mayor said that the pressure was greatest where the opposition was the favorite and had a greater chance of winning and that he has no material on Miroslav Shipovik, but he “hopes to have.”

– I’m sure he was pressed as the other councilors. We talked about this in the course of the three rounds of the elections, but some citizens believed, some didn’t. I don’t blame them because there was no proof. Now, with our evidence, all believe and see what is happening in Macedonia – said Zhernovski.