The SEC have delayed the start of field checks on questionable voters

The State Election Commission today postponed the start of the field checks on the voter lists, because the they had not completely finished procedures.
So far no-one has revealed how long it will be postponed for or when it will start.

The SEC announced that on April the 3rd, they would begin to conduct their on-site field checks of 89, 383 questionable voters, who were discovered in cross-check of 10 state institution’s databases  and have proved them as disputable voters.

The Commission has previously said that deleting data will be carried out on three grounds, firstly, at the request a citizen, at the request of a political party and official through administrative proceedings.The SEC said that deleting data will be carried out on three grounds, at the request of citizens, at the request of political parties and through an official capacity through administrative proceedings.
After cross-checking databases from ten various institutions, the Ministry of Interior confirmed that 1.5 million people are entitled to vote. Persons who are temporarily working abroad can exercise their right to vote, but will need to register in an embassy or consular offices, or to be placed on a separate electoral roll here in Macedonia.

In the course of checking the electoral roll the campaign “Open Doors” began and the SEC showed the official badges that interviewers will wear who will go from door to door.