The government will change a legislation in order to determine the salaries of Vice-Prime Ministers

The Ministry of Labor and Social Policy is preparing amendments to the Law on salaries for elected and appointed persons in the Republic of Macedonia in order to be able to determine the salaries of the Vice Prime Ministers: Kocho Angjushev, Radmila Shekjerinska, Oliver Spasovski, Bujar Osmani and Hazbi Lika.

“By making the Decision No. 87/2017 by the Constitutional court at a session that took place on the 21st of February 2018, Article 14 that was part of the law for salaries and for elected and appointed persons in the Republic of Macedonia, in the part that refers to “Vice-president in the government”. By cancelation of this part of Article 14 of the Law, created a legal void in the determination of the salaries of the deputies of the RM’s President of the Government” said the explanation issued by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies published at ENER.

It states that with the proposal for the Law for changing of the Law for salaries and compensations for elected and appointed persons in the Republic of Macedonia, Article 14 is changed which will provide an opportunity to determine the salaries of the deputies of the president of the government of R. of Macedonia.

According to the current legislative, the Vice Prime Ministers received a salary in the amount of 91.712 regardless if the basis for the calculation of the salary was the average paid for a monthly amount per employee in the country for the previous year, that according to the data taken from the State Statistics Office was 22.928 denars multiplied with a coefficient 4 as much as the disputed article predicted for the position Vice Prime Minister of the government.

The coefficient for the calculation for a member of the Government i.e. a minister is smaller and is up to 3.70.