MKD Telephone number 072 929 292 that people use for scheduling appointments for...

Telephone number 072 929 292 that people use for scheduling appointments for travel and other documents is active again

Фото: Архива на „Мета“

After more than a month being out of order, starting from today, two free telephone lines began working – 072 929 292, 0800 192 92, including the on-line scheduling for personal documents at the Ministry of Interior’s website. The citizens will be able to schedule appointments for new travel and other documents. Also, there are no free slots for March, so the only free slots are available for mid April or at the start of May.

The Minister of Interior, Nakje Chulev, stated that the booklets for passports are expected to arrive soon and more MOI’s employees will be engaged which will help boost the preparations for around 20.000 citizens that have already filed requests and should receive their documents. He said that, in accordance with the agreement that was concluded with the previous minister, Oliver Spasovski, the new passport booklets should arrive on the 24th of March. But, the company Veridos has promised that these documents will arrive 7 to 10 days before this deadline.