Tags Фатиме Фетаи

Tag: Фатиме Фетаи

Special Public Prosecution is officially history, but the fight for justice will not stop, says Prosecutor Fetai

The new Law for Public Prosecution comes to force today in North Macedonia. With that, the Special Public Prosecutor's Office (SPO), that was one of the main goals of the opponents of Nikola Gruevski's rule and was finally acchieved after the protests of the Colourful Revolution, will become history. This Prosecutor Office was at the center of the public's attention...

Top-5 dezinformacija o SJO-u 2018. godine

Od formiranja do danas, Specijalno javno tužilaštvo prati gomila lažnih vesti, manipulacija, dezinformacija. Posebno tri tužiteljke, koje su vodile pres-konferencije u kojima su se najavljivale istrage i optužnice, na kojima ja radilo Tužilaštvo, bile su stalna meta pokušaja lične diskreditacije napisima čiji je cilj narušavanje njihovog ugleda.  Piše: Simona Atanasova Iako je institucija koja prema anketama uživa najveće poverenje građana,...

Top 5 cases of disinformation on the Special Prosecutor’s Office in 2018

As of its establishing until today, there are numerous false news, manipulations and disinformation related to the Special Public Prosecutor’s Office, especially about the three public prosecutors, who led the press conferences where investigations and indictments were announced and reviewed and elaborated by the SPO, who were always the targets of attempts for personal discredit via articles whose purpose...