Supreme Court: SPO shouldn’t have started new investigations after the 18 month-deadline

Фото: Мета.мк

The Special Prosecutor’s Office shouldn’t have launched new cases after the 18 month-deadline expired, concluded the Supreme Court. At today’s general session, the Supreme Court came to this legal opinion following the initiatives of attorneys Boro Tasevski and Elenko Milanov.

“The Public Prosecution for pursuing crimes related or arisen from the content of the illegal wiretapping of communications may file a lawsuit or a procedure to stop an investigation no longer than 18 months from the day it took over the cases and the materials from its jurisdiction, as a cumulative condition that cannot be avoided, starting from the day the materials were received from the unauthorized wiretapping according to Article 2 of the Law on Public Prosecution for pursuing criminal acts that are related or have resulted from the content of the illegal wiretapping. When the period of 18 months is over, the public prosecution will no longer be authorized to take over the prosecution matters of pre-investigation and investigation activities, as foreseen in the Law on Criminal Procedure,” reads the Supreme Court’s press release.