Economy SDSM was not involved in the replacing of the Public Revenue Office...

SDSM was not involved in the replacing of the Public Revenue Office Director

SDSM did not participate in any talks that would lead to the replacing of the Public Revenue Office’s (UJP) director Goran Trajkovski, said for Meta the party’s spokesperson Petre Shilegov.

– We haven’t discussed that topic. It is possible that his term is ending. We haven’t managed anything in that regard- commented Shilegov.

The Public Revenue Office was mentioned in the report by Priebe as an area which draws strong criticism and which the government, in agreement with the opposition, has agreed to free from party influence.

Meta inquired with the UJP about the call for naming a new director and whether Trajovski’s term is up, but the office’s spokesperson asked us to take the question to the Government. We have not received a response from there.

Our attempt to reach Goran Trajkovski was not successful. The call was answered by another person who instructed us to try Mr. Trajkovski at a later time.

Goran Trajovski has been the chief of the Public Revenue Office in the last nine years.