MKD SDSM: Veljanoski is delaying the process and is playing with the will...

SDSM: Veljanoski is delaying the process and is playing with the will of the people

Trajko Veljanoski’s decision not to call for a coordination and to continue the constitutive session is another confirmation that Nikola Gruevski and VMRO-DPMNE are interested only in their own personal interest and nothing else, said SDSM.

“Veljanoski’s explanation is that the citizens of Macedonia have to wait for Iliija Dimovski to return from his trip in order for the constitutive session to be held is a rude and shameful way to play with the people’s will, who have been waiting for months for the formation of government, not mention humiliating to Parliament”, said SDSM.

The party pointed out that if Dimovski was on a trip, he could be represented by his deputy.

“After three months of not working, what other obligations does Ilija Dimovski  have that are more important than Parliament. The irresponsible behavior of VMRO-DPMNE’s representatives is more evidence that they are not working in the interest of the citizens and that will end very soon”, said the announcement which also stated that the democratic processes are unstoppable.