Political parties in Macedonia reach a consensus to postpone the elections

Macedonia’s President Stevo Pendarovski has called upon a meeting with renowned legal experts in order to find a legal solution for postponement of the elections. The final term will be agreed upon and will be known by the end of the day. The meeting was scheduled for today at Villa Vodno at 16 h and will be attended by professors Renata Deskoska, Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova, Denis Preshova, Tatjana Karakamisheva-Jovanovska, Jeton Shasivari, Svetomir Shkarik and Aleksandar SPasov. The meeting will also be attended by the President of the Paliament Talat Xhaferi and the Interim Prime Minister Oliver Spasovvski.

As was announced by president’s cabinet, a leadership meeting took place tofay that was attended by presidents and representatives of parlaimentary political parties and the opposition.

At the meeting, a consensus was reached that because of the situation with the coronavirus COVID-19, the snap parliamentary elections scheduled for the 12th of April should be postponed.