MKD PM Spasovski: Religious leaders assured me they will adhere to all recommendations

PM Spasovski: Religious leaders assured me they will adhere to all recommendations

The Interim Prime Minister Oliver Spasovski said that he will meet the leaders of all religious communities in the country. During the meeting they will be discussing the protection of believers from the coronavirus since within religious facilities they are in close proximity and will be under risk of being infected.

– I had a separate discussion with the leaders of all religious communities and they reasured me that they will adhere to the recomendations. Furthermore, I think that there is a need to organize a joint meeting and send an appeal to all believers in the country to adhere to the Government`s measures. We must send stronger and clear message – Spasovski said.

Three days ago, the Health Minister Venko Filipche announced the ban on public and private gatherings, regardless of number of visitors and that the cafeterias and restaurants will be working until 18:00 h, but the guests will have to keep their distance from 1.5 to 2 m apart. He said that like all other citizens, the believers will have to adhere to these measures.

– Taking into account that in a large crowd, people are sitting in a close proximity, there are no better protective measures that the ones we are providing – said Filipche.