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Disinformation helps weaponize homophobia in the Balkans

Written by Global Voices Central&Eastern Europe. republishes the original article, under the cooperation agreement with “Global Voices”:   Populist political forces across Europe have been utilizing homophobia...

Media Narratives about EU as a Factor of Increased Russian Influence in North Macedonia

When assessing the influence that throws North Macedonia off the tracks from the proclaimed process of democratic development directed towards adopting the values of...

Scribbled Traffic Signs on Miladinovci-Stip Motorway with Russian propaganda symbols

A dozen traffic signs and equipment on the Miladinovci-Stip motoway have been scribbled all over with pro-Russian propaganda symbols. The symbol “Z”, that glorifies...

“Russia Days” in Skopje and Sofia, Bulgarian MFA Responds to Spreading Disinformation by the Russian Ambassador

The Russian embassies in Skopje and Sofia recently celebrated the National Holiday of the Russian Federation “Russia Day” by organizing receptions in both capitals...

France Debunked an Enormous Russian Disinformation Campaign

France had revealed an enormous Russian campaign whose aim was to undermine Western support for Ukraine, reported the French state agency Viginum, whose purpose...

Intelligence Agency: We Will be a Target for Disinformation related to Constitutional Amendments, Church Issue and Elections 2024

The fight against disinformation should not be seen as a threat to the freedom of expression or censorship, because it is not a matter...

Fight against Disinformation Demands Partnership between Institutions and Civil Society

Electronic disinformation is spreading and no-one is immune to that. They present a threat to society. The fight against disinformation demands partnership between the...

Disinformation Will Not Disappear – Creators Must be Exposed

It is high time to turn the recommendations into actions and to know exactly which actors in society have a role in the fight...

Old Article Manipulates that Russia has Withdrawn from WHO and WTO

Russia is still an active Member-State of both the World Health Organization and the World Trade Organization. The Russian Parliament has neither considered nor...

When Did Russia Return among the Top Ten Economies in the World – If at All?

In the first part of June, some of the Macedonian language media reported that Russia returned on the list of the Top 10 economies...

Swedish Ambassador: This country risks to lose the current strong momentum for enlargement if EU negotiations do not start...

The ambassador of Sweden in North Macedonia, Ami Larsson Jain, in an interview to, talks about the latest developments in the country, about...

Mel Gibson is not making a documentary on child sex trafficking in Ukraine

Photo: Screenshot - Twitter Mel Gibson is not making a documentary on child sex trafficking. The founder of a non-profit organization in Utah dealing with...

There is no evidence that Ukraine bombed Kakhovka Dam

Photo: Screenshot – In conditions when both Ukraine and Russia are accusing each other for demolishing the dam, and when investigations are being announced. – The...

The claim that USA is involved in deliberate spreading of the bird flu is Russian disinformation narrative

Transmission electron micrograph of influenza A virus, late passage…CDC/Dr. Erskine Palmer, 1981 By carefully looking at everything that was published on this topic up to...

Manipulative post twists the truth – Ukraine is defending itself from Russia, not fighting at the “whim of London”

The post claiming that Ukraine is at war with Russia because of the whim of London and that Orban is Ukraine’s greatest friend because...

Missing children from Cleveland cannot be compared with those taken from Ukraine

Photo: Erik Drost on Wikimedia Commons The missing children from Cleveland and those taken from Ukraine cannot be compared at all. The context and circumstances...

It is not true that Western elite had long been preparing the war in Ukraine

Tank row in surburban Kyiv. Photo: Wikipedia Back in December 2021, Western leaders called upon Russia to calm the tensions and promised to support Ukraine...

Malicious meddling in Kosovo’s media sphere

This article by Ardit Kika was originally produced for and published by Kosovo 2.0 as part of Western Balkans Anti-Disinformation Hub project. It has...

The initial reactions: Blowing up Nova Kakhovka Dam on Dnipro River is a dangerous precedent

Photo: Screenshot of the video recording from a drone During the night of 06.06.2023, a large part of the enormous Dnipro dam in the vicinity...

The video with Senator Graham saying “The Russians are dying” is fabricated

Photo: Screenshot from the video It is not true that Graham said “The Russian are dying. It’s the best money we have ever spent”, while...