MKD Opposition won’t publish the “bomb” for Mladenov’s death today

Opposition won’t publish the “bomb” for Mladenov’s death today

The opposition SDSM today, marking two years since the death of the journalist and owner of “Fokus” Nikola Mladenov, won’t hold a press conference on which it would publish recordings, which, as previously stated, include talks about the tragic event, confirmed for META SDSM spokesman Petre Shilegov.

– Today won’t be a press conference on the concerned topic. We repeatedly announced that we will publish materials about Mladenov that we have and we will do so – says Shilegov.

On numerous occasions before, at the press conferences for the “bombs”, in interviews with local and foreign media, opposition leader Zoran Zaev has announced he will also publish the recordings relating to the death of Nikola Mladenov, so it was assumed that there is a possibility that to happen today, marking two years since his death.