Ministry of Defense will go public and disclose all non-classified content

Wages and public procurement in the Ministry of Defense will no longer be a secret, said minister Radmila Šekerinska, at a press conference.

“The Ministry of Defense, not only in Macedonia, but especially in Macedonia, was regarded as one of the most traditionally closed ministries, due to the nature of the work, but also because of such political will. Behind the screen of classified information, important for the security of the country, in the past were hidden moves that meant crime, misuse of funds, eager behavior by the heads of the ministry, and even manipulation. In the name of the legal need for classification regarding the sharing of information on subtle security issues, manipulation that directly contributed to the detriment of both the security of the state and the budget of the Republic of Macedonia were made. That practice came to an end”, said Šekerinska.

The defense minister says that there will always be confidential and classified material, especially related to the state’s security interests. But the expenditure of the minister or management structure, the salaries of the ministry’s management, services, public procurement will not fall in that category and the ministry will share that kind of information even before it is requested by the citizens, non-governmental organizations, the media.