Tags Confidentiality

Tag: confidentiality

Ministry of Defense will go public and disclose all non-classified content

Wages and public procurement in the Ministry of Defense will no longer be a secret, said minister Radmila Šekerinska, at a press conference. “The Ministry of Defense, not only in Macedonia, but especially in Macedonia, was regarded as one of the most traditionally closed ministries, due to the nature of the work, but also because of such political will. Behind...

Dimitrov revokes the confidentiality of information regarding business trips made by diplomats

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikola Dimitrov, has issued a resolution revoking the confidentiality of all documents related to the Foreign Minister’s business trips and for all employees of the Foreign Ministry, announced the MFA today. This means that any documents related to business trips by employees from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will again become public information meaning that the...