MKD SPO’s Electronic Mail Was Hacked

SPO’s Electronic Mail Was Hacked

In December, last year, the electronic mail from the Special Prosecutor’s Office was the target for a hack attack, reveals a video posted on the channel “The other hand DPMNE Chief of the fifth administration,” on the video uploading site, “YouTube”. SPO confirmed that their e-mails had been hacked into, and also announced that they were taking measures to solve the case.

In the video, viewers can see the e-mails of journalists asking for accreditation or credentials to monitor press conferences by the SPO, and official communication with Janeva and her team, with others.

 In December 2015, there was an unauthorized intrusion into our email, so we have taken all steps to increase the security of our e-mails. We would like to note that at the time we did not have an employee who could manage the information security of the electronic mail. The incident was not reported to the authorities because at the time there was no real damage from the intrusion. However, after the announcement which was uploaded to “YouTube”, the real purpose became clear why our emails had been hacked. We inform the public that we are taking all measures to solve this case “, said the SPO.