MKD Gruevski: Voters punished us because we distanced ourselves from our traditional policies

Gruevski: Voters punished us because we distanced ourselves from our traditional policies

VMRO-DPMNE was punished by their voters because recently, the party had distanced itself from traditional policies and tried to appeal to “others”, said opposition party leader, Nikola Gruevski in an interview on “Alfa” TV last night.

“VMRO-DPMNE was punished by traditional voters who sent a message to the leadership. We have had a traditional policy in the past 15 years, and this period we tried to appeal to some others, which traditional voters did not like. We did it suddenly and insufficiently”, Gruevski said.

Regarding the heavy defeat the party was dealt during the first round of elections, the president of VMRO-DPMNE, accused the government of “bribery, blackmail and intimidation” of party members and mayoral candidates.

“We called the OSCE / ODIHR twice for irregularities and we could see from their faces that they had not come to hear our complaints and prevent”, said Gruevski.

In the interview, Gruevski said the elections were “illegitimate and undemocratic”. He accused SDSM of investing “20 million euros of black money” for bribes, and the price for voters was from 1,500 denars to 100 euros.

“If they want a confrontation with VMRO-DPMNE and with me, here I am. Let them arrest me and condemn me to life imprisonment. They will not break the spirit of a Macedonian, whether Gruevski is the leader or not”, said Gruevski.

He pointed out that according to the information he has, the entire leadership of VMRO-DPMNE, ie more than 100 people, had been wiretapped in the past period.