Gruevski met with the Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates

Today in Dubai, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski met the Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum, who at the same time is the ruler of the emirate Dubai.

The highlight of the meeting was the commitment of both sides to promote overall relations in all spheres of mutual interest.

Both sides stressed that the two countries have no unresolved issues and concluded that they need to intensify political dialogue through high-level meetings, which would contribute to the increase of cooperation in economical, cultural and educational plans for the future.

Both sides especially emphasized the need for and interest in promoting economic cooperation.

Prime Minister Gruevski invited Sheikh Al Maktoum to visit Macedonia, where they would continue their high-level dialogue and specify the potential opportunities for economic cooperation.

Sheikh Al Maktoum gave a positive assessment of the economic policies of our country and expressed interest in the next period to consider visiting our country.

During the meeting they signed an agreement on avoidance of double taxation between Macedonia and the UAE that provides the basis and increases the capacity to deepen economic cooperation.

During the Prime Minister visit to the United Arab Emirates, he also met with political and economic representatives and subjects of the host country. Besides visiting the emirate of Dubai, the Prime Minister will visit the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.