MKD SUT says “no” to the state exam, Ademi announces a pilot application...

SUT says “no” to the state exam, Ademi announces a pilot application of the law


“No” to the state exam said students and professors at the State University in Tetovo today. At the public debate, on which even the Minister of Education and Science Abdilakim Ademi participated, they emphasized that the proposal threatens the autonomy of universities and it is completely contrary to the Bologna process of higher education.

To that, Ademi replied that everything said would be used to improve the text.

– Novelties brought by the proposal were presented at the debate, and I tried to explain the dilemmas that obviously exist. I also got an official written notification with specific comments and suggestions. Because the law is not definitive, there is a possibility for corrections. There will also be a pilot application, especially on key issues – said Ademi.