Belgium will help if the situation if the media and the judiciary is improved

Macedonia, a country in crisis, is hoping for a little help from Belgium, reports Belgian press agency “Belga” after the visit of the Belgian Foreign Minister Didier Reynders.
“Belga” informs on the political crisis in the country, reminding that the government and the opposition “communicate only via public accusations, which seriousness not only undermines the institutions of the state, but also worried the European Union.”
In the news, the agency reminds us that the opposition leader was accused of espionage and coup attempt. Also, the text reads that the opposition, in turn, accused Prime Minister of bugging 20,000 people, as well as of taking 20 million euros of bribe for construction of highways.
Belgian journalists write that Macedonian Foreign Minister Nikola Poposki complained that the situation doesn’t give a good image of the state, but added that “he counts of Belgium” for help.
Didier Reynders asked the Macedonian government for a clear signal and arguments with which he could convince his European colleagues to accept starting negotiations for Macedonia, which means, among other things, progress in media freedom and the independence of the judiciary.