SEC: We have been falsely accused but we will donate funds from the extra salaries

During today’s session, the State Election Commission concluded that the decision for the payment of compensations to the members and the employees of SEC for their work at the local elections, was made in accordance with the Election Code and the Rule Book.

SEC also decided that each employee and member of SEC should decide individually about returning the funds in the budget or to donate them. President Aleksandar Chichakovski also asked the competent service to publish publicly all of the decisions on the website.

The conclusion was voted unilaterally, with 9 votes for “yes” and none against or neutral.

During the discussion, almost all of the members of the committee said that the decision for compensation was legal and justified by their obligations and overtime working hours.

SEC’s president, Aleksandar Chichakovski stressed that the decision is completely legal and justified. He said that there is no legal basis to recall an already brought a decision and he, like his colleagues, will either return the funds or will donate them.