Panchevski: SPO’s search through my premises signaled the complete darkness over the justice in Macedonia

Judge Vladimir Panchevski has accused today that this past Thursday last week has signaled the “complete darkness for justice in Macedonia” with, as he said, the “illegal and brutal search” that was done by the Special Public Prosecution and the investigators from the Ministry of Interior.

In an interview for “Alsat-M”, Panchevski claims that a search wasn’t conducted at the offices at the Criminal court in Skopje, but it was a personal search. He is disputing the search warrant issued by the court in Gevgelija and said that the real authority for acting against him has the Basic Court Skopje 1 and if there was a need for “conspiracy” the procedure in a case such as this one is determined by the Appeal court in Skopje.

-From the office of the acting president of the court, I was taken to the office where I’m performing my judicial function without being explained why I was limited my freedom and I have been taken to another place in order to be searched. I was taken my mobile phones by force. A female inspector i.e. a member of MoI’s investigators took my phones from the pockets of my pants and even though it was accordance with all standards, international, domestic and all kinds, a female person is not doing a search of a male person while two inspectors kept my arms spread – said Panchevski, who in the interview spoke about himself in the third person.

He claimed that during the search at the court there were armed personnel and police officers everywhere.

-In the end, this illegal procedure ended with a theft of a key, which can be seen from the video surveilance footage that I sent to the media. That is the recording and they can crucify me, put me on a trial and convict me. Panchevski has a clear conscios about everything so far, as a president of the Basic Court Skopje 1 and as a judge in the court. I have always acted with honor, in accordance with the law and not contrary – said the judge.