Main Section Greek Party Golden Dawn demands Greece adopt the ‘patriotic policy towards migrants...

Greek Party Golden Dawn demands Greece adopt the ‘patriotic policy towards migrants that Skopje Government has.’


Although, the Greek nationalist party does not even recognize Macedonia, and is always ready to mention it in any derogatory term it can, it did inhibit them at a press conference in Thessaloniki, when their party’s lawmaker Sir Aretemis Mateopulos used Macedonia as a shining example of how Greece should deal with the waves of refugees entering its territory. According to Mateopulos, the decision of our country to close and institute tight controls on our border with Greece, and the numbers who are entering daily across the country is an example of “patriotic and nationalist policies towards immigrants who originate from countries bombed by the USA.” He commented, that the Macedonian government realized that if they were to follow the example of the Greek government, the state will have to accept untold millions of migrants, and Macedonia would have to finance any demands on its infrastructure to deal with such numbers entering its territory. Mateoplus noted that the steps taken by the Macedonian government were indicative of a serious national policy. He added, ” Greece should have done the same. We should follow their example”.