MKD Zaev: SDSM are fighting for the constitutional right and equality to vote...

Zaev: SDSM are fighting for the constitutional right and equality to vote for the Diaspora

SDSM is not against the Diaspora vote, but are fighting for their constitutional right and equality to vote, said the leader of the opposition, Zoran Zaev.

“Our proposal is to have a census and to choose a MP with the same amount of votes as they would get in Macedonia. Or, the votes by the Diaspora , to have one constituency or in the end whatever the number of the constituencies is, the point being to get equal treatment as the voters of the citizens, regardless of whether they are citizens of Macedonia or citizens who are Macedonian living in the Diaspora”, said Zaev.

The SDSM leader said Belgian facilitator Peter Vanhoutte will present the final settlement of the legal text to the working groups.

Regarding the possibility of DUI MP Talat Xhaferi re-activating the law on the moratorium of the “Bombs”, Zaev said he would respond with another “Bomb”, this time being the publication of the parliamentary rostrum.