MKD VMRO-DPMNE will not support the Law for languages as it is contrary...

VMRO-DPMNE will not support the Law for languages as it is contrary to the Constitution

Yesterday’s proposed Law by Zoran Zaev for a bilingual Macedonia is contradictory with the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia, said the member of VMRO-DPMNE’s Executive Committee, Antonio Miloshoski. He also said that VMRO-DPMNE cannot and mustn’t support the law ” that is in contrast with the Constitution.” Miloshoski explained that what was cowardly done about the preposed-law for a bilingual Macedonia is that a European flag was put on it.

-It’s a misuse of the European flag for a law that has nothing to do with adjustment of the Macedonian with the European legislation. This was done only because of the fact that the law can be discussed at the Parliament for three days. The speeding up on part of Zaev and Shekjerinska for this bill on bilingual Macedonia to be passed at the Parliament means that they are aware how damaging it is and that the people are displeased and humiliated because it was lied to – said Miloshoski.

He stressed that the no one told the people before the election that a Law for bilingual Macedonia will be passed.