MKD VMRO-DPMNE: We will continue to cooperate with ambassadors – friends of Macedonia

VMRO-DPMNE: We will continue to cooperate with ambassadors – friends of Macedonia

VMRO-DPMNE in a statement, emphasized that they are not against ambassadors”, but in principle, they will react when some ambassadors overstep their authority and act as a substitute for MPs and the government elected by the citizens.”

“The self-proclaimed intellectuals and mercenaries of Soros need not be afraid, the campaign is not against ambassadors, but in principle, we will react when some ambassadors overstep their authority and act as a substitute for MPs and the government elected by the citizens,” said the party, adding that they are “the voice of 455,000 citizens.”

The party claims that its goal remains EU and NATO membership, and respect of the Declaration of Strategic Partnership with the United States in 2008″.