MKD ВМРО-ДПМНЕ: СДСМ живее само со деструкција, манипулации, закани, гнев и со омраза

ВМРО-ДПМНЕ: СДСМ живее само со деструкција, манипулации, закани, гнев и со омраза

VMRO-DPMNE: SDSM lives only with destruction, manipulation, threats, anger and hatred
The leadership of SDSM lives only with destruction, manipulation, threats, anger and hatred, reads the reaction of VMRO-DPMNE after the statement of SDSM leader Zoran Zaev, in front of the Assembly of Macedonia on the occasion two years since “Black Monday”.
They say that SDSM has never given positive proposals for reform or measures that would help the citizens and that it hasn’t supported a single investment, highway construction or reconstruction of schools and hospitals.
“Such people can never lead this country. Maybe their party and members want such a strategy, but most of the people think otherwise. The people cares about the good of the country and that’s why even after their long and negative campaigns, they are still losing by more than 200,000 votes,” reads the statement of VMRO-DPMNE, in which the party added that SDSM spread chaos in order not to be asked what they have done and what is the program they created.