MKD Vanhoutte: Working Groups will focus on bilateral meetings on key issues

Vanhoutte: Working Groups will focus on bilateral meetings on key issues

Taking into account recent developments, the working group agreed to focus on bilateral meetings to address two key issues, i.e.  the selection of the remaining prosecutors in the Special Prosecutor’s Office and the appointment of Ministers and Deputy Ministers for the government, said Belgian facilitator Peter Vanhoutte.

According to him, once an agreement is reached, meetings will convene with the working groups, which will formally approve decisions made during bilateral meetings. Vanhoutte, who is involved in the negotiations, believes that they should avoid any more delay with the implementation of the Przhino Agreement. He says that it is in the interest of all the citizens of Macedonia to continue with the implementation of the matters covered in the contract, and not to jeopardize the country’s integration into NATO and the EU.