Peter Vanhoutte: We have managed to overcome most difficulties, and we are making good progress

Belgian mediator Peter Vanhouttet in today’s statement in front of the MPs Clubhouse said he was not pessimistic as he had been a few hours before hand and that the participants in the talks were engaged and constructive.

“We have managed to overcome most difficulties, and we are making good progress”, said Peter Vaahoutte.

He added that the law on the criminal charges of the “Bombs” is no longer a problem so negotiations can continue on the electoral legislation, but he would not say whether the law has been withdrawn or whether it will be withdrawn from parliamentary procedure.

As Ambassador Orav stated, so did Mr Vanhoutte and said that the law on the moratorium for the “Bombs” and the law on “Whistle-blowers” protection will be discussed in the working groups in combination and that a solution should be agreed upon before October the 20th.