MKD Universities still calculating for the state exam

Universities still calculating for the state exam

Faculties use the last few days of the expiration of the period to align the views on the state exam. Most universities already stated their views.

Representatives of Shtip University “Goce Delchev” say that the state exam is not acceptable for them.

– The state has the right to conduct state exam and no one can interfere in that. But it can do so only after the students graduate. I think that there should be any examination and assessment by the state as long as the studies are ongoin – said Kiril Barbareev from the University “Goce Delchev”.

Representatives of the University “St. Kliment Ohridski” in Bitola say that they are still trying to decide.

– Faculty should send us their opinions, and the university to review them from Monday and make a final decision – says Elizabeta Atanasovska.

It is the same with the University “St. Cyril and Methodius”. The management of universities has until 15th of December to send a statement, which will then be discussed at the rector’s office.

The management of FON stated that they disagree with the state exam. Representatives of FON think that the state exam is contrary to the Law on Higher Education, that it is not authorized and not in accordance with accredited study programs. The State University “Tetovo” is still processing the results of the poll conducted among the students and teachers for the state exam.

So far, only the rector of Ohrid University of Informatics, Computer Science and Technology “St. Petar and Pavle” Ninoslav Marina officially said that the state exam is a good thing and that it should be implemented.

From the faculties, only Faculty “Justinijan Prvi” and FINKI gave their opinion on the state exam and they are against the introduction of the state exam.