MKD Transparency International Macedonia: Government’s crisis decrees bring a higher risk of corruption

Transparency International Macedonia: Government’s crisis decrees bring a higher risk of corruption

The Anti-Corruption organization “Transparency International – Macedonia” (TI) has asked the Government and all authorized institutions and organs to submit timely reports about acts upon the decrees that were made by the Government, stating that they carry within them a higher risk of corruption.

TI Macedonia stated that it will monitor the implementation of the decrees, through the right that the Law on Free Access to Information of Public Character and requested from the Government to act timely upon all requests for information submitted in accordance to this law as the act upon the requests is now occurring with great delays.

Among the most dangerous ones concerning corruption, TI Macedonia stressed the Decree for applying the Law for protection of the population from contagious diseases during a state of emergency which carries risks regarding the concluded agreements without public calls with hotels that will serve as state quarantine facilities and the transportation of the people returning from abroad into state quarantine.

Regarding corruption, the decree about prosecution and prosecutors, including those from 0 he former OJO is considered as extremely dangerous and TI Macedonia is questioning the legitimacy of this decree during a state of emergency and a dissolved Parliament. проведувањето на уредбата за примена на законот за внатрешни работи во време на вонредна состојба.