MKD Tomorrow VMRO-DPMNE are organizing a large national gathering

Tomorrow VMRO-DPMNE are organizing a large national gathering

Tomorrow at 15:00, at the “Boris Trajkovski” Sports Centre, the ruling VMRO-DPMNE party are organizing a large national gathering, announced the Youth Union of the VMRO-DPMNE on their “Facebook” page.

“The VMRO-DPMNE calls for an end to the political crisis. It is time to end the destruction, the conflicts, playing with the people’s’ feelings, we have to put an end to the damage of the states image. Regardless of the wishes and scenarios of our opponents, we have always been characterized with a different awareness than them, a different sense of responsibility towards the citizens and the state, because for us, Macedonia’s interests have always been first. Macedonia needs you now!” Read the announcement on “Facebook”.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Health, Nikola Todorov announced yesterday that this weekend there will be discussions, meetings, gatherings and party events, and politicians from VMRO-DPMNE will also lead discussions and hold speeches, as well as experts and people who are not involved in politics.

 “In the following few days, we will be holding party events, meetings and conferences, where we will discuss our projects, our achievements and our general policies. This will be a weekend full of accountability, real projects and acts. This is what makes our party different to our political opponents. While they are busy thinking of ways to avoid the elections or how to proceed with more destruction and to deepen the crisis, we want to discuss the people’s real problems, the ordinary citizen, this is our duty as politicians, to focus on the daily life of our citizens, and not the mist of negativism which the opposition has created”, said Todorov.