Correspondents Following the storm, Tetovo covered in harmful dust

Following the storm, Tetovo covered in harmful dust

Tetovo is covered in dust following the great storm that caught the region. The dust that descended on the city and the surrounding region came as a result of the clearing of debris and from transporting of large amounts of earth and sand that were brought on by the swollen rivers and streams.

The movement of vehicles raises the dust in busy areas in the city. It can cause serious respiratory ailments among the population, claim health professionals.

-The sediment is very dangerous because it comes from fecal matter that is mixed with the earth that was brought on by the floods. This is why we must have a major cleanup in the city. Otherwise this dangerous dust can cause serious ailments in the population- said Dzavid Fejzuli who is hygiene and health ecology specialist.

From the Tetovo Center for public health comes the claim that the water in the city’s water supply is fit for drinking. They urge the residents of Tetovo not to drink water from springs and village pumps that have not been tested.

The condition in Tetovo remains the same. Despite the intensive work being done by mechanization, the main road Tetovo – Jazhince is still blocked. Crews are reconstructing the bank of Porojska Reka that in some places flows underneath the road. After the main construction work if over the road is expected to be open to motorists.

The roads that pass through the villages Golema and Mala Rechica and Shipkovica are functional. The small inroads and side streets which were covered in earth and debris are in the process of getting cleared. The water in these villages, which suffered the worst damage, is still not fit for drinking because of defects in the water supply.

Six year old Drita Ameti from Shipkovica is still missing under the ruins of this village under the slops of Shar Planina.