

Komparativna analiza: Učešće građana na Zapadnom Balkanu

U okviru projekta „Umrežavanje OCD za bolju lokalnu demokratiju na Balkanu", koji finansira Švedska agencija za međunarodni razvoj i saradnju (SIDA), a sprovodi Balkanska mreža za razvoj civilnog društva (BCSDN), urađene su tri uporedne studije koje ispituju nivo učešća građana u donošenju odluka na lokalnom nivou u Zapadnom Balkanu. Svaki od njih pravi opsežnu analizu različitih pravnih izvora, mehanizama...

Comparative analysis: Citizen participation in Western Balkans

Under the work of the project “CSOs Networking for Better Local Democracy in the Balkans", funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) and implemented by the Balkan Civil Society Development Network (BCSDN), three comparative studies were done that examine the level of citizen participation in decision-making locally within the WB6. Each of them takes an extensive analysis...

Metamorphosis Foundation takes part in the Stockholm Internet Forum 2019

Metamorphosis Foundation has been invited to contribute to one of the most important global events in the area of technology and the Internet, the Stockholm Internet Forum 2019 (SIF), currently taking place in Sweden. Organized by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), the Stockholm Internet Forum is taking place these days in the Swedish capital. #SIF2019 is a platform...