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Tag: reshuffle

Zaev and Ahmeti agree to start “sweeping”

Prime Minister and SDSM leader, Zoran Zaev met with DUI leader, Ali Ahmeti yesterday where they agreed to start the process of "strengthening the staffing capacities of government institutions for better economic results". The government's announcement reveals that yesterday they were already talking about certain weaknesses among some officials from the executive branch. The two leaders agreed to start consultations in the...

Analysis: Zaev’s sweep won’t clean Ahmeti’s yard

“Operation Sweep” announced by Zoran Zaev in April - right after the first round of presidential elections, will "kick-off" in June. Arrogant and irresponsible departments will be targeted, as well as those who involved in nepotism and are part of the Anti-Corruption Commission’s cases. The prime minister announced this after returning from a short holiday with his friends abroad,...

Today Parliament votes on the reshuffle of Zaev’s government

A parliamentary session will be held at 11 o’clock in Parliament today to discuss and approve the government's reshuffle; a year after this parliamentary assembly voted the initial composition of Prime Minister Zoran Zaev’s government. The first item on the agenda will be the election of new members of the Government, which must end by midnight. The second point is...

Xhaferi: It would be frivolous to think about early parliamentary elections

It would be frivolous for anyone to think about early parliamentary elections this year, said Parliament Speaker, Talat Xhaferi during a regular press briefing. "There can be elections when MPs disband. However, in a serious country with serious issues, it would be frivolous for anyone to even consider early parliamentary elections. If someone is thinking about it, he would want...

Zaev: No-one is blocking the Government’s reshuffle

No political party blocked the government's reshuffle, said Prime Minister Zaev, according to whom, everyone wants cooperation. The prime minister confirmed that he had a meeting with both BESA and DPA leaders led by Menduh Thaci yesterday. “Today there will be additional communication. I want to finish with this issue in the coming days. Everyone is waiting on the proposals...