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Tag: EU

Howitt: International Community Will Not Support Postponement of Elections

The European Union’s report on Macedonia's progress in European integration will be announced later this month, said MEP Richard Howitt on Friday, who also bid farewell to Macedonia as a feature reporter for the country. “We learned our lesson from last year when the report was delayed due to Turkey. This year the report will be released on time, and...

Borisov: Now Is Not the Time Nor in Bulgaria’s Interest To Join the Schengen Area

Now is not the time for our country to become part of the Schengen Area, and the joining of our country in this area will not help us, said Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov. “Everyone says that Bulgaria should immediately become a member of the Schengen area. But, this is not in our best interest at this time. On the...

European Commission has approved the construction of the “Balkan” gas hub

The European Commission has given approval for the construction of the “Balkan" gas hub, which should be built in Bulgaria. At the conference for investors, which took place in Varna, Bulgaria, Prime Minister Boyko Borisov said that the approval lays the ground for negotiations to begin for collecting maximum amounts of natural gas. He stressed that while the EU was...

What the parties agreed to: New Editor at MTV, ad hoc body for the media and support for the SPO

The delegation from the European Union in Macedonia have published on their website the agreement reached by the four political parties. In the agreement, it says the parties have agreed that the electoral code will be amended by July 22 to reflect the agreement below on the voters' list. According to the agreement, 171 500 persons will be placed in the...

Elections in November, examination in August to check whether conditions and agreements have been met

Elections in November are possible, however with a prior examination in August to see if conditions have been met, and all notes from the negotiations – This is a possible solution, sources from within the negotiation teams from the political parties told “Meta”. After several hours of talks today between the representatives, Nikola Todorov from the ruling party, the VMRO-DPMNE,...

Poposki at Summit in Paris: EU has to strengthen financial assistance to the region

The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Nikola Poposki took part in the Third Summit for the Western Balkans which was held in Paris under the authority of the President of France, Francois Hollande, said the Macedonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. At the session, foreign ministers gathered to discuss issues such as migration, the fight against terrorism and radicalization, youth policies and...

The Government believes the cuts to the IPA funds are not sanctions from the EU

After the European Commission officially confirmed that they will cut 27.1 million euros from IPA funds for Macedonia, the Macedonian government says it is not a question of sanctions, but a reduction in program funding. “There are two aspects, internal and external. The interior is connected with the fact that for more than a year now elections were expected. During...

Bilateral meetings at Pržino have come to a finish, and no closer to an agreement

Bilateral meetings between the representatives of the four largest political parties with mediators from the European Union and the United States have come to a finish. None of the representatives were too optimistic and no one wants to predict when to expect some progress. The Vice President of the SDSM Radmila Sekerinska, in a press statement today said they expressed...

The SDSM and VMRO-DMPNE confirm: Negotiations at Pržino are suspended

The parties are not even close to agreeing to conditions that will contribute to fair and democratic elections in Autumn.The SDSM spokesman, Petre Shilegov at today's press conference, responding to reporters questions, said the negotiations have been suspended because the VMRO-DPMNE wants to discuss the questionable voters on the electoral roll and about the regulation of the media. Shilegov did not...

Plomp: The country has to begin implementing the reforms

Dutch Ambassador Wouter Plomp while at today’s "Coffee Break" event, organized in cooperation with the Secretariat for European Affairs, answering a question by the media, said that everything on paper in the form of an Agreement, has to be fulfilled. As said by Plomp, the country must begin implementing the reforms, but the most important thing now is to focus...

Hoyt Yee: We will continue to provide support to find a way out the political crisis

Hoyt Brian Yee, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Europe and Eurasia Affairs at the State Department, in an interview with the "Voice of America" said that the US and the EU will continue to provide support to overcome the political crisis in Macedonia. "We believe that the parties involved in the crisis in Macedonia can find a way to get out...

Ambassadors of the EU and the Netherlands declare: Pardons to be withdrawn completely

EU Ambassador, Aivo Orav and Dutch Ambassador, Wouter Plomp, at today’s debate organized by "Transparency International Macedonia", declared that the pardons must be withdrawn completely, as it is the only way to avoid selective justice. The Ambassadors said that all stakeholders must support the work of the Special Prosecutor's Office (SPO). “The European Union clearly announced that selective justice and pardons...

Hahn asks that all pardons are annulled

The European Commissioner for Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations has criticised President Gjorgi Ivanov’s decision to annul only 22 individuals. “President Ivanov’s decision to annul pardons for only a number of people is not sufficient. As stated repeatedly by the EU, a comprehensive solution is key to avoid selective justice”, Hahn wrote on his official “Twitter” page. https://twitter.com/JHahnEU/status/736263456987480064 https://twitter.com/JHahnEU/status/736263832901955584 Today, President Ivanov annulled 22...

Danielsson: It is imperative that the presidential pardons are withdrawn

Political parties and the relevant authorities must urgently address the situation in the interest of the citizens so their country can return to the Euro-Atlantic path. The Przhino Agreement is of great importance. Political leaders must preserve and respect their political agreements and key principles, such as the rule of law, accountability, inclusiveness and credible elections, said the Director...

Ahmeti and Danielsson today discussed the implementation of the Przhino Agreement

Today the DUI leader Ali Ahmeti at the EU headquarters in Skopje met with Christian Danielsson, the Director General for Enlargement at the European Commission and EU Ambassador Aivo Orav. DUI stated that at the meeting the main focus was recent developments in the country in implementing reforms and the Przhino Agreement. “DUI is committed and has full confidence on the...

Due to “security reasons” the EU Delegation has canceled the meeting with NGOs

The EU Delegation in Macedonia for security reasons have canceled the meeting with NGOs which was scheduled for today at 10:00 am. Some NGOs have accepted to participate in consultations with the Ambassadors, and some have canceled their attendance. “The Delegation of the EU remains open to cooperation with NGOs”, they said in a brief statement. Around 20 NGOs yesterday announced a...

FRODEM calls for a ban on entry into the EU and the USA, and freeze bank accounts for all those who have violated the Przhino Agreement

" Following yesterday's confirmation of the announcement of elections, despite basic conditions of the Przhino Agreement having not been met, and Ivanov's strict rejection of the withdrawal of his invalid decision to halt legal proceedings against individuals under investigation, plus his unwillingness to resign: We call on the US and the EU members, that instead of sanctioning Macedonia and...

Baily and Orav: April 6 was a missed opportunity for the preperation of credible elections

Macedonian political leaders have a responsibility to their citizens to return the country to Euro-Atlantic path through the implementation of political agreements and priority reforms, said US Ambassador Jess Baily and EU Ambassador Aivo Orav. “The EU and U.S. have supported all parties and stakeholders in their work to create the conditions for credible elections. This includes cleaning the voters'...

Besimi: We must have strong coordination with all countries in the region, and the EU

Because of the situations with the migrants Macedonia, we must have strong coordination with all countries in the region, the countries of the Balkan Route, and the European Union, if we are to successfully implement EU decisions which are expected to be made tomorrow at the summit in Brussels. This was stated by Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs, Fatmir...

Tomorrow Tusk meets with President Ivanov in Skopje

The President of the European Council President Donald Tusk, arrives in Skopje tomorrow to meet with President Gjorge Ivanov, where they shall discuss  the refugee crisis. The visit is part of Tusk’s short-tour, from March 1st -3rd, he will travel to Vienna, Ljubljana, Zagreb, Skopje and Athens to continue building a European consensus on addressing the migrant crisis, but also to prepare...