MKD Students and professors plenum will have an open session in front of...

Students and professors plenum will have an open session in front of the Parliament

Tomorrow at 11 am, in front of the Assembly, “Student plenum” and “Professorial plenum” will organize an open session. Issues of organizing mass demonstrations because of the revolt, as well as the manner of organized resistance to the proposed changes in the Law on higher education, will be discussed at the joint session.

The event is announced on the social network Facebook.

Also tomorrow, the letters of professors from Macedonia, the letter of foreign professors and the letter of the students stating the arguments for the rejection of the proposed amendments to the Law on higher education will be submitted to the MPs.

– The opening of proceedings at a plenary session of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, contrary to the publicly stated position of the most affected parties by these changes, is unacceptable and undemocratic act for us and therefore we announce even greater mobilization and mass opposition to this kind of decision making – reads the explanation of the event.