SPO: More and more citizens are checking to see if they were wiretapped


Up until today, a total of 81 requests arrived at the Special Prosecutor’s Office by concerned citizens who were interested whether their phone numbers were being illegally monitored, announced the SPO today, adding that the requests regarded 245 telephone numbers.

The SPO say that all individuals interested may send them a written application, and in the application to state the telephone number or numbers which they suspect were subject to unlawful monitoring of communications.

“In the application, individuals needs to list the names and numbers of people who have used those telephone numbers and contact information for the individuals on the receiving end. Applications may be submitted in person, by mail or electronically. In regards to all previously submitted requests and applications for checks on telephone numbers, we want to inform the public that the investigation is still ongoing and when we have all the evidence, applicants will be notified of the results of the investigation. In this regard, we would like to clarify that those individuals who we can confirm that their telephone numbers were subject to unlawful monitoring of communications, as well as those individuals on the receiving end of the illegal monitored conversations, will be called as a damaged party”, said a statement by the SPO.

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