MKD New Special Prosecutor appointment in jeopardy before being chosen?

New Special Prosecutor appointment in jeopardy before being chosen?

The Agreement of Przino was seriously undermined yesterday by the decision made by Skopje’s Court, when they pronounced evidence as invalid, more accurately , the audio recordings of intercepted conversations by SDSM filed in addition to criminal charges against the Prime Minister and several cabinet ministers.
Sources who have been following the whole process closely say, if this actually happens, the special Prosecutor will have nothing to do, because the judge who originally made the decision regarding the audio recordings will have to keep the evidence, making it nearly impossible for the newly appointed special prosecutor to do his or her job.
According to attorney Oliver Vuksanovic, the court’s decision is within its legal capacity.  He says that the question is whether this decision is for a specific subject or work for all indictments.
“The law permits this decision even though the question of who the special prosecutor is, is still unknown. The court has gone ahead with the case within the law. On the other hand, no agreement has been made on the identity of the special prosecutor, whether there will be a new law for him and his credentials, that is why the court has proceeded within existing regulations”, says Vuksanovic.
The Helsinki Committee is “appalled by the abuse of procedure by the judge of the preliminary hearing and his unprofessional conduct as a judge.”
“According to this, the intention of the court is clear, to manoeuvre their way around article 14 of the constitution, which states that no-one can be tried for the same  crime twice, and a final decision by the court has been made,” stated the Helsinki Committee.
According to unofficial sources, the prosecution is still in its preliminary investigation and would not be able to finish by September the 15th, which happens to be the deadline for the appointing  a new special prosecutor.
The prosecution has time to appeal to midnight tonight.