MKD Solidarity: We are disgusted by the way government officials are toying with...

Solidarity: We are disgusted by the way government officials are toying with human destinies

Leftist movement “Solidarity” today reacted to the content of the recordings which were yesterday released by opposition leader Zoran Zaev, expressing disgust with the way “high officials of the illegitimate regime are vulgarly demonstrating supremacy.”

“We are openly disgusted with the contents of the leaked recorded conversations. It shows the extent to which the ruling elite usurps institutions and security services to achieve their own interests,” reads the statement of “Solidarity”.

They say they are disappointed and revolted by the fact that “most of the mainstream media chose to serve the party-political interests.”

“The nexus between the Government with the owners and editors in many of the media has confirmed the contents of the latest leaked recordings and it is even more confirmed with the great silence, i.e. the attempt to bury the largest political scandal in modern Macedonia”, reads the statement.

Solidarity again appeals to SDSM to immediately take the following steps:

  • to enable citizens to find out whether they were followed through a secure protocol;
  • to immediately disclose all materials that are of public interest, by taking measures to protect the identity of the civilians who would be affected by such a move;
  • to involve a wider range of non-partisan and non-governmental organizations, independent media and experts in the process.