MKD SDSM: SPO’s mandate will be extended, and Gruevski will have to face...

SDSM: SPO’s mandate will be extended, and Gruevski will have to face justice

Nikola Gruevski will have to come to terms that he will face justice for “all the crimes he has committed against the citizens, he will have to take responsibility”, reads the statement by SDSM at today’s press conference by Vladimir Gjorchev from VMRO-DPMNE.

“Justice is part of the ongoing democratic process in Macedonia. Nikola Gruevski will have to accept that he will face justice. He has been caught fabricating political trials. Nikola Gruevski was caught shamelessly inventing yellow vans, tactical equipment, cloned stations, and foreign intelligence services, only to try and save himself and his cousin Sasho Mijaklov from the illegal wiretapping scandal”, stated SDSM’s reaction.

They say they will implement all the reforms noted in the Priebe report and the European Commission’s report.

“The judiciary will be independent. The SPO’s mandate will be extended. The time for politicians like Gruevski is over”, stressed the SDSM.