MKD SDSM: SEC must correct its errors and present valid results to the...

SDSM: SEC must correct its errors and present valid results to the public

SDSM, a ruling political party, called North Macedonia’s Election Commission (SEC) go correct its errors and present truthful electoral results to the public.

“According to the results from the Electoral computer center of SDSM, the advantage of the coalition “Mozheme” (We Can) is at least three MP seats, while the data presented by SEC contains clear discrepancies and mistakes which can create a twisted picture of the final results”, the party claims.

SEC, on the other hand, that they are manually counting the records of the voting process at each polling station and that it will have a press conference to present the results of yesterday’s snap parliamentary elections.

Yesterday evening, at the moment when the final voter turnout data for today’s parliamentary elections in North Macedonia was supposed to be published, State Election Commission (SEC) went down, while the most read news aggregator in Macedonia, was under heavy DDoS attack. The public could hear the incomplete results only through the press conferences and media reports from SEC.