Main Section SDSM Ministers and Deputy Minister file conditional resignations

SDSM Ministers and Deputy Minister file conditional resignations

Ministers and their Deputies from the SDSM opposition resigned from Government of the Republic of Macedonia. At a press conference Oliver Spasovski, General Secretary of the SDSM party, stated that they demand their resignations be accepted if the decision to dissolve Parliament, adopted on January 18th comes into force.

“In accordance with the Przhino Agreement, the Government in which we participated in so to form and organize fair and credible elections, but only following the fulfilment of all the Agreements points. In Macedonia there does not exist the conditions for free and fair elections on April 24. This was confirmed by the European Union and the United States. Without a cleansed Voters’ List and the lack of media reforms, there are no conditions for normal elections. The SDSM will not encourage irregular and undemocratic elections as announced by the VMRO-DPMNE”, said Spasovski.

When asked by the media whether this meant that the SDSM is out of the Przhino Agreement, Spasovski replied that the Agreement had already been breached when the unilateral decision to dissolve Parliament was taken.